Any given day is a gift from God.
A chance to understand that…
you are, and you will be, a single grain of sand on the shores of Heaven.
To do mighty things, breaking a wave’s progress.
To do wonderful things, forming part of a child’s fortress.
To do dreamy things, holding still lovers’ footprints.
To do kind things, sheltering a clam’s home.
Since…a grain of sand is not a shore, and a lone feather is not a pair of wings…
Only Together, may we do such beautiful things!
Rainbows follow rain, but not always…that’s what I always say!
There’s no other way to see the multicolored hue that is you…
until after the storm has passed, it’s true!
We all climb mountains in our own manner…no gold stars, no blue ribbons.
Your life’s tapestry your only proud banner, a simple gratitude, taken and given.
The sky’s the limit! Cobalt blue never ending…except for the clouds within it.
My well-worn soul’s like
a roof that needs mending.
The rain can’t go on forever!
In my true heart’s a treasure.
Knowledge that this tumultuous storm, confusing, chaotic, without coherent form…only feels like a cataclysm, then becomes a focusing prism!
Within life’s lens, a moment’s still frame.
Thank God… no two rainbows ever appear the same!
Sometimes your tooth hurts or you skin a knee…beyond this, we shall be.
Sometimes it is warm and pleasant
or cold and sleeting…beyond this, we shall be.
Sometimes there is loss and void
or we are filled with contentment…
beyond this, we shall be.
I did see the Promise of Beyond on an early summer day
to a Place of such unadorned and miraculous Peace.
I glimpsed a Perfect horizon with a Sun never quite setting.
I asked to be Saved for all time, and God remembered me.
Beyond this, we shall Be!
Womb to warmth to worry to wisdom.
Lives led as a preciously precarious picture already drawn by the careful Hand of God.
Since your inception…the lullaby
remembered deep down,
remains part of you…until its emergence as the simply splendid song that is yours alone.
To join in the chorus…that is our harmoniously rising rhythm carrying to God.